Sunday, February 10, 2019

Top 10 Outrageous Burger King Scandals

Video by Babble Top

Image found @ AdWeek
Further documented Burger King legal battles (some still pending) can be found all over the internet. I've been an on again off again consumer of Burger King food products even though I am so turned off by the mascot Burger King himself (more on "The King" in a later Bonez post). I have eaten Whoppers in about 30 of the 50 U.S. states and in five or six European countries. No, they don't taste the same in Europe and that's not because of the horsemeat contamination. In my opinion, the only thing that makes European Whoppers passable is the fact some of the Burger Kings in Europe also serve large amounts of really good Beer (McDonald's has more beer selling locations and started serving beer years before Burger King jumped on the money train of adding alcoholic beverages to their menu. However, McDonald's has its own European legal problems.). The beer definitely makes the experience better.  But I digress ...

Some harder to find Burger King sex scandals like their apology for a Russian ad offering a lifetime supply of Whoppers to Russian women who got pregnant by World Cup players are nonetheless entertaining in their own right.

My favorite is still the BK Super Seven Incher (fondly referred to as 'the blowjob ad' by many Burger King critics) pictured above left. 'Burger King raped my face', claimed the angry model whose image was used without her permission. She (who mysteriously has never been named) called for a Burger King boycott protesting her being featured in the sexually suggestive ad, saying, "...with no due regard to me as a person, profited off reducing me to an orifice for their penis sludge; publicly humiliating me in the process." Penis Sludge? Er, okay then. Her viral YouTube video rant was taken down (again, under mysterious circumstances) I must assume after Burger King quietly paid her off for the services rendered against her will, i.e., Face Rape with Super Seven Incher Penis Sludge. Respectfully, no pun intended by Bonez, of course.

So, I added to the Top 10 Outrageous Burger King Scandals a few you will not find on YouTube to further entertain Bonez readers. If you desire to learn even more interesting "facts" about Burger King and Whoppers click this hyperlink now and then stay tuned to Bonez (i.e., SUBSCRIBE for totally Free Updates) for future Burger Madness and other world revelations.

Adiós amigos Bonez hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar.

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