Some people find themselves whiling away their time wondering needlessly about what it would be like if Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin were to ever get the opportunity to actually be President of the United States of America. If these same daydreamers are lucky enough to actually get McCain into office they know there is a very good possibility that their political darling Sarah may end up being the one with her french manicured "finger on the button". They stretch their imaginations to their limits and try to envision the gun-toting Alaskan redneck
VPilf babe sitting behind that huge
Resolute desk rocking her latest baby or grandchild to sleep while she balances the budget, negotiates Middle Eastern peace, checks the offshore drilling production schedule and verifies the NHL rankings with the greatest of ease. Suddenly, she answers the
red phone in her best Minnesotan moose hunter accent, "You ain't just a tootin', Putin! How's it hangin', eh? Ya better have a darn good reason for interrupting my baby's nap time, Mister."

Okay, before I go running down the street screaming I've got to stop this
VPilf fantasy crap. I don't want to be construed as demeaning to women or sexist with my Palin remarks. I am only extrapolating in a humorous manner the comedic possibilities based upon my observations of her public persona to date. In other words, it
could happen... yeah, when monkeys fly out my butt. But really, it is a totally warped fantasy scenario concocted to vent some of my political frustrations at the moment. That and to introduce
Bonez Readers to the funny Flash site
Palin as President where you can interact with an alternate future reality of Ms. Sarah Palin sitting in the Oval Office running the most powerful country in the world. Click on the image above to poke around the Oval Office and discover what could go on behind those hallowed doors under a Palin presidency.
Great post Bones! If she does get into office and eventually becomes President when McCain croaks, it will be the end of the Redneck race. Alleluhia (did I spell it right?)
Ever the optimistic aren't you, EuroYank? "The end of the Redneck race"? I don't think anyone or any thing can put an end to the redneck (BTW, I have met European rednecks, too). They are a class unto themselves. Alleluhia is spelled alleluia or Hallelujah. Thanks for the visit and the good word, Dude.
Bones that was the European Redneck spelling!
Egads she nuked the world eh!
You Betcha darn tootin' she done went all NUCULER on us. Did you go beyond the nuking? She goes like, "Where'd Russia go?" 'cause you know she can see Russia from her back porch and all. There's a lot to see and the angry mob outside the windows screaming for her lynching is a pretty kewlio touch. Or how about the dart throwing at the weird baby names... BWAHAHAHAHA! It's all good and I think they plan to continue updating with new phunnies all the way up to election day. Stay tuned!
It only proves she wants to leave Alaska (by the way Alaska was sold to the U.S. by Russia) and head for D.C. because Russia cannot be seen from the D.C. porch!
I guess it depends on whose back porch you sit on in D.C. I understand there are some spooks there who can see anything they wanna see from their back porches. It all depends on who you know and what level of clearance you are granted. Of course, she wants to leave Alaska. Do you think people really live there of their own free will? Why the hell do you think Russia was so willing to sell it off?
Bones - Russia sold Alaska to the USA to get rid of her. You should know that!
She scares me. Now here in Oregon women are running for local office siting their qualifications as having been a soccer or elementary school mom! I remember when Hillary said she didn't "bake" and the Neoconst went nuts! Guess they are getting the gal they want now!
Personally, I think it is okay to be a soccer mom or anything else and still run for public office. Isn't that part of the American ideal and dream? However, I also think that even though you CAN run for public office, you may not be as qualified as other candidates for the job and thus SHOULD NOT be elected to the position. That is up to the voters to decide. And, I have my own theories about "qualifications"...
Personally, I think if the Republicans want to win the election as before, they should disqualify more voters than before, and they should prevent more people from voting than before, and they should install more rigged voting machines than before, and they should make minority voters wait 16 hours in long lines to vote not the usual 12-15 hours, and ( I forgot what I was going to say)
There you go fueling my fears about rigged elections and the Illuminati plan to control the world, EuroYank!
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