At least that is what part of my horoscope says for today. Accepting myself ... as I am. That has been a very hard thing for me to do all of my life. Why is this coming up NOW? "Under this influence you need have no fear of being hurt or rejected again." Wow. "Trust in the fact that despite your wounds you can still be loved." Double Wow! Isn't that all anyone really wants? To be loved for who they really are without fear and trepidation? To be open about their likes and dislikes and comfortable in their own skin and still be loved? Unconditionally? Of course it is.
But why is this for me today and how can I take this One whisper from the Universe as advice to heart and use it to better myself and be true to myself and manifest who I am meant to be? Maybe this is just a little reminder that I am perfect already ... just as I am ... just as I have chosen to be in this Moment ... and I don't have to seek approval from others in order to feel worthy ... self-worthy ... and proud of who I am. Proud not of this flesh shell shambling through this world's illusion but Proud of the eternal and indestructible spirit ME that has chosen to have this human experience.
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