Granted, Fahrvy has not been a part of my day to day life for years now, but that doesn't lessen what I felt for him. One of the best parts of "going home" has always been that flash of recognition he would get when I came in the house. I was guaranteed to spend my time with him nestled on me and leave with my clothes covered in white fur.
Fahrvy picked me out at the animal shelter back in 1990. Our previous cat, Weazer, had recently died, and to help ease the pain of his passing, my mother allowed me to pick our next cat. And pick him I did, all cute and fluffy and gray. But unfortunately, that cat wasn't available for adoption yet, as they had to wait and see its reaction to all the shots. So, on the day it was to be available, my mom and I got to the shelter before they opened to wait for that kitten. However, one person beat us there that day, and wouldn't you know it, they wanted the EXACT SAME KITTEN.
Once the place opened we entered in defeat, knowing full well that I wouldn't get the cat I wanted. We looked around the various cages looking for an acceptable runner-up. Rather unexpectedly, I felt a splash of water on my face. I quickly turned to ascertain where it came from and that's when I first saw him.
Don't take any of what I say here the wrong way, but Fahrvy was UGLY. Even as a kitten he was rather long and gangly, with a black eye, a black nose, a black rat-like tail, and what appeared to be a hoofprint from a deer on his neck. Once I saw him he splashed me again. I knew right away that this was the cat for me. He's not much to look at, but he's got a personality, and personality goes a long way.
He was rather sickly when we first got him, so he subsequently spent the first couple of weeks at our home more or less confined to my room. I established a rather strong bond with him that never fully went away. He was a lot of fun, energetic and excitable, but always friendly and loving to everyone. He was great with children, showing immense amounts of patience and understanding.
All in all, it pleases me to know that good old Fahrvy had a happy life. He had several cat friends over the years: Black Kitty, Chessie, Frodo and Scrumpy, and never lived in want of shelter, food, comfort or love. It saddens me to know that my time with him has come to an end, but he'll always live on in my heart.
My thoughts are with you, E., as you deal with this loss. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Fahrvy. I am sure he will be missed by many and was blessed to have such a loving home and family.
Thank you, T. It's funny how people can get about their pets. I'm still all mushy and sad today, but you're right, he had a good life and that makes me happy.
Although Im not a cat person, I do understand how hard losing a pet can be. Im sending you a virtual hug to make you feel better
Thank you very much. It's amazing how shaken up something like this can make you. He was my little buddy. But, eventually I'll get another. To paraphrase George Carlin, "Life is a series of cats".
I've had cats all my life, so I've lost a bunch of 'em too. Some people have laughed at me for being so sad, but they are our little companions and worm their way into our hearts. So, I am sorry you are sad. Be sad as long as you like.
Thank you very much. I've been lucky in that I've never had to deal with too many people that didn't understand the significance of a pet. Though I'm not big on anthropomorphization, I do tend to see them as more than just a kitty cat. He was a good cat and I am a lucky person for having had him in my life.
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