I am a movie trailer junkie. I can sit with my son for hours and watch movie trailers on the net and I thoroughly enjoy the discussions we get into about what we think the movies will be like once they hit the big screen based on what we see in the trailers. I thought it would be fun to share some of the upcoming movies I am looking forward to seeing. The top of my list is Iron Man (above) and the rest can be seen by clicking on the images below. Have fun!

Technorati: Bonez, movie trailers, Iron Man, Dragon Wars, Eastern Promises, 10000 B.C., Spiderwick Chronicles, Across the Universe, Alien VS Predator, Right at Your Door, I Am Legend, Beowulf, The Golden Compass, The Last Legion, J.J. Abrams, movies, trailers
Did you look for the musical cue in the Iron Man trailer that I told you about? Hint, hint, that song about R. Budd Dwyer is used in the trailer when he's building the suit.
Since you told me that I've refused to re-watch the trailer so I won't be tainted with some sick public suicide subliminal message. That may ruin my fanboy sensitivities for the upcoming movie.
Whatever. You already know the song and know it well. Sooner or later you'll have to face that reality.
At first I was put off by casting Downey Jr. as Tony Stark but the more times I see the trailer the better it looks. I cant wait.
e - let me wallow in my own petty denial, Dude.
geologyjoe - I'm with ya', Bro'. Downey does have the addict/alcoholic experience that will help bring Tony Stark to life, though. When I have my doubts I remember the initial disappointment I had when it was announced that Michael Keaton was going to play Batman.
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