Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Outhouse Comes In-House with Envirolet

Envirolet Waterless ToiletEnvirolet Composting Waterless Toilet Systems video that explains how we can save money and the world for our children by not flushing. Are we going backwards and bringing the outhouse in-house?

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Marloes said...

No shit?

I hate comercials that go on and on without coming to a point

Bonez said...

Well, there *is* shit but you just don't smell it or need water to flush it down the drain. Just think, if you get one of these you can be making your own garden fertilizer and be picking flowers and eating veggies grown right from your own excrement. How eco-friendly is that?!?

Marloes said...

The flowers would be nice(I rather leave them right where they are) but on the veggies I'll pass if you don't mind. I have enough catpoop in my garden to last me a lifetime. If I added my own stuf to that I would stink up the neighbourhood..;o)

Bonez said...

Ah, but the byproducts of the amazing composting waterless toilet system is supposed to be odorless and perfectly safe for human consumption (after it is absorbed by the plants, of course). I am not convinced myself since human waste contains a lot of things that you would not find in standard animal manure like cows or horses which is primarily decaying vegetable matter. I too will pass on fertilizing my garden with composted human excrement but still thought it was interesting to share with some of the tree hugging readers Bonez tends to draw from time to time :)

Rachel said...

You'd have to prise my flush toilet from my cold, dead butt cheeks.

Bonez said...

Hahaha, I would have to agree with you, Rachel. Why would one want to part with the most influential invention in modern times in favor of a new and improved outhouse? I'm afraid the environmentalists are going to have to come up with something better than this. I think Wal-Mart's plan to provide one million inexpensive light bulbs that use less electricity and last longer will have a much greater positive impact on our environment.