The media will be saturated with Michael Jackson retrospectives for the weeks and months following his very unexpected death. When Michael Jackson was at his peak and earning the "King of Pop" crown, I was in high school becoming what I can only describe as "musically aware". As a rebellious teenager, there was NO WAY I was going to be listening to pop, having only recently discovered Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, etc. Michael Jackson was the antithesis of what I was into at a time when he was the undisputed ruler of the airwaves and MTV.
That said, Michael Jackson's mark on pop music and pop culture cannot be understated. As the unofficial "music guy" here at Bonez, here's my small tribute to the man. I can't say that I've ever owned a Michael Jackson album, but Chris Cornell's version of Billie Jean is in my car stereo right now. That has to stand for something...
The local alternative station played a live version of this when Cornell's "Carry On" album came out, but the version on the CD is a studio recording. I guess the live version was from a promo that only radio stations received.
remember that Eddie VanHalen did the guitar work for Beat it. So, to rebel against was to say no to VHF.
btw: tons of great MJ jokes already flying around.
The local alternative station played a live version of this when Cornell's "Carry On" album came out, but the version on the CD is a studio recording. I guess the live version was from a promo that only radio stations received.
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