Brace yourselves for Future Shock! We are the victims of our own technological strength, according to Mr. Orson Welles. Way back in the dark ages of 1972, he narrated the following shlockumentary entitled "Future Shock" loosely based upon the 1970 book by the same name written by Alvin Toffler. As old knowledge is replaced by new our young people become numb to the fact that nothing is permanent any longer. Uh, wake up, Orson! Permanence is an illusion. Dontcha know nuttin', cigar chompin' chubby boy? What's that ya' say? Orson Welles is dead? Really? Well, that's no excuse. He should have had his head preserved via cryogenics or at least floating in a jar so we could continue to razz him for such outlandish extrapolations of distant future prognostications. I mean, really ... the film is laughable but is still enjoyable to watch and giggle at. The hippies and the silly over dramatization by Orson Welles are worth getting a bowl of popcorn and sitting back and seeing how close Toffler got to anything close to reality as we know it today. See? We are in that distant future he was so afraid of. I'm still waiting for my obedient robot servants, disposable interchangeable bodies, communal marriage, blue skin and head full of regrown hair. Personally, I think the world is a much better place than it appeared to have been back in 1972. Change is not "bad". Change just is. Change is the only constant in nature.
Thinkinfyou ~ I like well seasoned women so you are always very welcome at Bonez (giggling). Yeah, you are just a babe (in more than one sense) and I was sophomore in high school in 1972. It was still the dark ages in the sense of technology and the advancements in the last 37 years. I mean look at those pooters they were playing, for Crust sake! No XBox or pr0n to be seen anywhere. How could people live like that?!?
GeoJoe ~ Since blue is my favorite color I've gotta admit that you are right on, in my humble opinion. I remember a few Star Trekkie babes with blue skin that gave me a run for my fantasy money. Yummers! Blue Alien Babes Rock!!!
GeoJoe ~ I've never heard that saying and would question it holding up as fact once you get beyond the tried and true red and yellow black and white they are all precious in his sight ...
Thinkinfyou ~ OMG! I never meant it to be a negative comment in anyway. In fact, I said you were a Babe in the sense of beauty and youth. Besides, we ARE friends and thus such random and potentially misguided statements are less inflammatory intended and just plain silliness that apparently missed the mark. And I want to go on record as saying I never called you a man. Not really. Or officially or anything like that. Right?
blue skin would be cool.
Hey,hey,hey,1972 isn't back in the dark ages! I was born that year,so it can't be!
Thinkinfyou ~ I like well seasoned women so you are always very welcome at Bonez (giggling). Yeah, you are just a babe (in more than one sense) and I was sophomore in high school in 1972. It was still the dark ages in the sense of technology and the advancements in the last 37 years. I mean look at those pooters they were playing, for Crust sake! No XBox or pr0n to be seen anywhere. How could people live like that?!?
GeoJoe ~ Since blue is my favorite color I've gotta admit that you are right on, in my humble opinion. I remember a few Star Trekkie babes with blue skin that gave me a run for my fantasy money. Yummers! Blue Alien Babes Rock!!!
what's the, green, whatever, they're all pink on the inside. :)
First you call me a man,and now you call me seasoned!?! And here I thought we were friends!
GeoJoe ~ I've never heard that saying and would question it holding up as fact once you get beyond the tried and true red and yellow black and white they are all precious in his sight ...
Thinkinfyou ~ OMG! I never meant it to be a negative comment in anyway. In fact, I said you were a Babe in the sense of beauty and youth. Besides, we ARE friends and thus such random and potentially misguided statements are less inflammatory intended and just plain silliness that apparently missed the mark. And I want to go on record as saying I never called you a man. Not really. Or officially or anything like that. Right?
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