Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pale Blue Dot - Carl Sagan

Pale Blue Dot ~ Carl Sagan

Sometimes I take pause and consider humankind's true place and significance in this vast and wonderful universe.


GeologyJoe said...

Makes one feel pretty insignificant. But also, how can there NOT be other life in the universe?

Sagan was a big pot smoker. **sssssppphhhhh** 'we're like so small man. and the universe is SO huge.'

Bonez said...

I am not so sure it really makes me feel insignificant as much as it brings a sense of awe of the vastness of the universe and appreciation of the limitless and humanly unthinkable opportunities it may present. I agree, mathematically there has to be other "life" out there. Intelligent or sentient? Again, the "odds" say yes to that, but maybe not in ways or the sense that we humans could discern since we are observing from our limited faculties and understanding. I am not sure about Sagan's drug usage but would not be surprised by that, either, but don't consider his commentary to be derived from being under the influence.

Anonymous said...

Bravo! I love Carl Sagan's work. His way of presenting, communicating ideas and thoughts is incredible.

Bonez said...

I agree with you, Wayne John. Carl Sagan is sorely missed and his way of communicating such deep concepts to a level that the "common man" could comprehend was a true gift to all of us. I know he had his detractors but the man only increased my appreciation of science and the wonders of the universe.

Mimi Lenox said...

The moon is soooo beautiful tonight.
I can't get this video to work. I'll reboot and return.

Bonez said...

I noticed the moon myself, Mimi, and yes, it was amazing when it was full a few days ago. I hope you got the video to work after rebooting and returning to Bonez. Let me know.