My good blogverse friend,
Ilker Yoldas over at
The Thinking Blog posted a collection of
Guitar Hero clones that you can play for free online (think there are a couple you can download, too). For the most part, they are quirky fun if not a little annoying while playing with the computer keyboard versus holding the guitar-like controller we all love to pretend is the real thing. However, this didn't seem to negatively impact the playability or fun level for my 13 year old who keeps coming back to the post until he feels he can master all of the games. Of course, he also raves about his
Guitar Hero On Tour on the DS which is another story in itself.

A jewel among the thousands of "
mommy bloggers" (I even hesitate to lump this writer into that category) and a blog you've just gotta visit is
Writing Quiets the Voices in My Head (great subtitle: "Letting my insanity show like a bad panty line"). The writer (couldn't find her bio or "about me" link and respect her desire for privacy and anonymity) displays a talent for creating entertaining material as exampled by a recent post
Beware of the Wal-Martians! We gladly add
Writing Quiets the Voices in My Head to the
Bonez LinX list. Let me know what you think after your visit.

McCain and Obama paper dolls. If you haven't already got yours then please get them while the limited supplies last. Keep in mind that you get both candidates' entire families with all the fancy duds they've worn on the campaign trail. Top that off with special election night scorecards and you've got a heck of a deal. Woo Hoo, Paper Dollicious, Baby! Now if they would only release the
Obama Girl version...
WOW! Thanks for the link and review of my blog. I was also thrilled to find that you used the most flattering picture of me.Thanks so much!My mom is going to be soooo proud!!
Hahaha, well, I wanted your picture to be "different" to point out your creative and adventuresome side to the Bonez readers. Also, because it was the cutest Joker a la Heath Ledger I've ever seen I couldn't resist. I promise to feature the image of your choice the next time you are featured on Bonez... and yes, I am sure you will be again... when the time is right.
Tony I see that you have finally GROWN UP! Please forgive the shout, but I wanted you to note the emphasis, and it pleases me greatly to be able to say it!
Hi EuroYank. Hey, I don't mind you yelling at me from time to time. It keeps me honest and on my toes. Good to see you again and you are always welcome at Bonez
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