I don't think the bitch was ever classy I think she was just born into to fortune and could afford designer clothes so she looked the part. But, the bitch damn show aint never acted the part..
I am not jealous of her good fortune. The public fell for her, and her stuff sells. This proves she is a winner, and the public as usual are the fools!
I agree with you, DeeShaLaToya. Paris has not acted classy. It takes more than money to be classy. Some of the classiest women I've know didn't have a lot of money.
EurYank, I also agree with you. However, I would not wholeheartedly group "the public" into such a large bucket. I doubt a majority of "the public" cares about Ms. Hilton one way or the other and a large percentage detests her entirely. I am not jealous of her "good fortune" but only feel sorry for her that she (and the others like her) find the world their oyster to play in and abuse and have never contributed one iota to the betterment of that world. Without their money they are nothing.
Bones I agree with you, but I do not consider myself part of the public, because everything in life, and power, and business revolves around money. Your sentiments are idealistic, but the reality is the opposite. Everything is window dressing, and the best windows win the prize. (your turn)
Oh, I would never deny being an idealist, EY. My being so is part of what drives me to think that even I... a power of one... can make a positive difference in the world and leave it a better place than when I entered into it.
As for everything being window dressing... yes, I would say you are correct in that. I like to use the analogy of masks. Everyone wears multiple masks in their daily lives. The mask of what they wish to project to those observing them at the moment. Be it the Father mask, brother mask, husband mask, son mask, boss mask, co-worker mask... etc. etc. etc. (as Yul Brennner would have said).
Unfortunately, some people wear so many masks and are so adept at changing those masks quickly that they never discover just who they really are themselves. This means getting in touch with your inner core being and understanding who you are and not who others think you are or who you wish you were. Actually, discovering the inner you in often a life long endeavor and most of us never achieve it fully.
I won't question you since I am sure you researched your answer before giving it but I didn't know Neil Diamond had written Red Red Wine and that it was a much older song... prior to Neil, that is. Of course I knew UB40 was an interpretation of the original, duh.
I don't think the bitch was ever classy I think she was just born into to fortune and could afford designer clothes so she looked the part. But, the bitch damn show aint never acted the part..
I am not jealous of her good fortune. The public fell for her, and her stuff sells. This proves she is a winner, and the public as usual are the fools!
I agree with you, DeeShaLaToya. Paris has not acted classy. It takes more than money to be classy. Some of the classiest women I've know didn't have a lot of money.
EurYank, I also agree with you. However, I would not wholeheartedly group "the public" into such a large bucket. I doubt a majority of "the public" cares about Ms. Hilton one way or the other and a large percentage detests her entirely. I am not jealous of her "good fortune" but only feel sorry for her that she (and the others like her) find the world their oyster to play in and abuse and have never contributed one iota to the betterment of that world. Without their money they are nothing.
Bones I agree with you, but I do not consider myself part of the public, because everything in life, and power, and business revolves around money. Your sentiments are idealistic, but the reality is the opposite. Everything is window dressing, and the best windows win the prize. (your turn)
Oh, I would never deny being an idealist, EY. My being so is part of what drives me to think that even I... a power of one... can make a positive difference in the world and leave it a better place than when I entered into it.
As for everything being window dressing... yes, I would say you are correct in that. I like to use the analogy of masks. Everyone wears multiple masks in their daily lives. The mask of what they wish to project to those observing them at the moment. Be it the Father mask, brother mask, husband mask, son mask, boss mask, co-worker mask... etc. etc. etc. (as Yul Brennner would have said).
Unfortunately, some people wear so many masks and are so adept at changing those masks quickly that they never discover just who they really are themselves. This means getting in touch with your inner core being and understanding who you are and not who others think you are or who you wish you were. Actually, discovering the inner you in often a life long endeavor and most of us never achieve it fully.
where's the Neil Diamond video for this?
happy new year tony.
Thanks for reminding me, Swine... I do believe that Neil Diamond did a Red Red Wine cover...
Cover? UB40 did the cover. Neil Diamond wrote the song. ;) And my mother SWEARS by wine in a box.
I won't question you since I am sure you researched your answer before giving it but I didn't know Neil Diamond had written Red Red Wine and that it was a much older song... prior to Neil, that is. Of course I knew UB40 was an interpretation of the original, duh.
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