Sunday, March 19, 2006

Porn Star Mary Carey Dines with George W. Bush

mary careyPorn star Mary Carey hams for the cameras before attending the United to Victory dinner sponsored by the National Republican Congressional Committee, Thursday, March 16, 2006, in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)
Mr. Bonez sez, "Mary Carey's failed attempt at running for Govenor of California doesn't seem to have crumbled her political aspirations. She attended her second invitation to dine with President Bush in hopes of gathering support for her next run for govenor and spreading the word that porn stars can be great ambassadors or the Republican party, too."


Tara Tainton said...

Holy cow! I'm so ignorant when it comes to the latest political up-and-comers, definitely when it comes to mixing sex with politics in some areas.

That's it. I'm recommitting to reading your blog REGULARLY to keep up with the news!! It's a great read, Tony. :)

Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Doesn't she know that the republicans hate porn, at least the claim to, but that is only a claim.

Bonez said...

The Republicans' stances on pornography and family values is what makes all of Mary Carey's aspirations to laughable. I don't know why they are using her this way but I can guarantee it is not to see her into public office or to have any real say in government. Notice that "Bizarre" is one of the tags of the post and that's because this is but one more example of the Republicans talking out of both sides of their mouths.