Traci Bingham demurely reveals her body parts but refuses to eat the body parts of animals. The sexy star of Baywatch,
Comedy Central's Strip Mall, and various shows on
BET and
MTV puts her parts to good use in
PETA's ad that encourages people to consider that animals have feelings, too. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the
meat cuts outlined on
Traci but leave that up to the butchers in the audience to comment on and authenticate.
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yea, I would eat her....hehehe
BLUE! You bad boy ;)
I am sure most of the veggan men would agree, though.
Or let this Penn and Teller video give the other side of Peta.
Why did she have to give just one side of the story?
I'm sure the other would be just as attractive.
There is no meat on her bones though.
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