GeologyJoe ~ it depends on how much of the data you swallow as being "truth" or just wild-eyed conspiracy theorist ramblings. I buy in to some of what is said but have a strange faith in basic humanity which the Illuminati doesn't seem to have. So, are we "practicing" abroad for our own internal insurgency? Maybe ... maybe our troops are practicing on becoming ruthless in dealing with their neighbors as enemies of the state ... that's why we keep letting Haliburton and Brown & Root build those prison/concentration camps on American soil. Must be plans to incarcerate a whole lot of folks shortly ...
well this makes me glad I had a kid. :(
Is this why we are practicing how to fight and insurgency war abroad?
GeologyJoe ~ it depends on how much of the data you swallow as being "truth" or just wild-eyed conspiracy theorist ramblings. I buy in to some of what is said but have a strange faith in basic humanity which the Illuminati doesn't seem to have. So, are we "practicing" abroad for our own internal insurgency? Maybe ... maybe our troops are practicing on becoming ruthless in dealing with their neighbors as enemies of the state ... that's why we keep letting Haliburton and Brown & Root build those prison/concentration camps on American soil. Must be plans to incarcerate a whole lot of folks shortly ...
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