ALTOONA, Wis. -- Ken Hasenmueller holds a set of license plates outside his Altoona, Wis., home. The Wisconsin Division of Motor Vehicles randomly assigned the plates which read
666-KEN, but the Christian father of three plans to exchange them because he doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about him. He said his first name is paired with the number recognized as a symbol for the Antichrist. (11/16/05 AP photo)
Mr. Bonez sez, "What a moroon! And what idea might they get about you, Ken? That YOU could actually be the real Antichrist and rule over the earth with your malignant evil right from your double-wide trailer in Podunk, Wisconsin? Right... You give Christianity a bad name, Ken. Go back to sleep in your pew."
Dang I 'd want them...
You planning on changing your name to Ken? Hey, I know there used to be this website that let you build your own license plates that looked just like your state's plates.... (mumbling to self) where is that dang link?
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