Sunday, October 25, 2009

4th Bonez Blogoversary Bash (BBB)

4th AnniversaryI am happy to report that the fourth Bonez Blogoversary Bash (henceforth referred to as BBB) was a resounding, if not absolutely smashing, success. All revelers commented that it was the biggest and bestest BBB yet. And this was all without a single animal sacrifice on the fiery altar of rotting flesh most Bonez readers would call a grille. And top that astounding fact off with this morning's local police blotter having no record of any BBB related deaths or mayhem and IE in Lederhosen think you will agree that Bonez has matured beyond our younger and more rebellious days. Even E behaved himself, within certain respectable boundaries, and was never once caught with his hands in his pockets adjusting the sauerkraut in his lederhosen.


Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary!

Bonez said...

Teena in Toronto ~ Thank you for the warm wishes and hope to keep seeing you around these parts.