Sunday, September 28, 2008

VPilf Sarah Palin School Girl Action Figure

I have been on a brief sabbatical from posting on Bonez and found myself in need of some diversion from the humdrum of peaceful bliss and soul searching. My wandering brought me to surfing the net since I know it to be the abundant source of all goodness and mischief. I let the winds of internet fate guide me and what to my wandering eyes did appear but a twelve-inch action figure of my favorite potential VPilf, Sarah Palin. That's right, I bow repeatedly to the awesome foresight and shallow morals of the fine fiends over at HeroBuilders.Com. We're not worthy! We're not worthy! I can hardly wait until my lovely life-like Sarah Palin School Girl Action Doll arrives in her discreet unmarked plain brown packaging. Woo Hoo! I am eagerly looking forward to the release of the talking version VPilf with the vibro-massage hands, accessory parka and a high-powered hunting rifle with simulated moose carcass. I think I can maybe even fit her into Beauty Pageant Barbie's swimsuit for additional fantasy fun. Hey, wait! Swimsuit... hunting rifle... nah, that one's been done already.


Anonymous said...

I feel a Robot Chicken spoof coming soon LOL.

GeologyJoe said...

*pfft* thats nothin'. Now when the RealDoll people come out with a VPilf Pailn...NOW WE'RE TALKIN!

Bonez said...

~ Hatter ~ I never even thought of that but a Robot Chicken spoof of our favorite VPilf could be well in order.

~ Geology Joe ~ So do you have your pre-order in on the VPilf Palin RealDoll? Mind if I borrow her for a weekend... you know, just to show her off to a few friends and maybe get a few photo ops.

Mrs. Hall said...

Huh. Creepy and humorous all at the same time.

Mrs. Hall said...


So-went to the realdolls site.

I was unawares such things existed.

So weird! So trauma inducing!

that's it, no more following your hyperlinks Mr. Geo-Joe!!


Bonez said...

~ Mrs. Hall ~ What's so creepy about a Sarah Palin VPilf doll? 12 inch or life-size? I used to think you had really made it into the big time once someone made an action figure of you :)

In GeoJoe's favor, I am glad he brought up the idea of a Sarah Palin VPilf RealDoll. I think he should submit that to the manufacturer and claim a commission because I am sure she would be a hot seller for them. Think about it ... how many times has our government screwed us over? A RealDoll VPilf Palin would be an opportunity for Joe/Josephine American to finally get his/her chance to counter-screw. (BWAHAHAHAHAHA!)

GeologyJoe said...

Thanks for getting my back Tony. More than once I have sent NSFW links to Bonez.
I think Ill formalize the idea in a post.

Bonez said...

Bonez has NSFW links and material?!? OMFrakkin'G! How horrible to think that we would carry smut on such a family oriented and politically correct blog? (BWAHAHAHAHA!)

Hmmmm... your formalized post on a VPilf Palin RealDoll may be something you should entertain about cross-posting here on Bonez. Just sign up for the Bonez Crew, Dude! Jump on in, the water's fine...