Friday, April 07, 2006

JK Rowling Rants at 'Emaciated Clones'

The world's most successful author, JK Rowling posted a "rant" on her official website entitled "For Girls Only, Probably", in which she criticizes society's obsession of super-thin models and celebrities, branding them "empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones". Rowling feels our culture is reckless in its promotion of thinness over other positive qualities such as intelligence and kindness. Rowling endorses pop singer, Pink, whose latest single, Stupid Girls, mocks the likes of Paris Hilton and Nichole Richie.


RC said...

I love it...I saw this earlier and had to share it as's just fantasticly worded and a true real issue.

--RC of

Bonez said...

Thank you for visiting Bonez. Yes, I believe that Ms. Rowling hit the nail right on the head with her observations. Unfortunately, I doubt it will make much of an impact on the media industry and their portrayal of what they consider physical perfection in both females and males.